Vinegar and essential oils are the complete all-rounders when it comes to low-tox DIY cleaning. Known for many years as mould and germ killers vinegar is the obvious inclusion in most cleaning spray recipes. The problem with many cheaply made trigger sprays is that are sold with amber glass spray bottles is that their mechanisms corrode from the vinegar and quickly stop working. Many people turn to essential oils for their powerful natural antibacterial properties only to find that they can cause the trigger sprays to clog. Frustrating isn’t it?
The good news is that ByMe has sourced trigger sprays for our amber glass spray bottles that are absolutely able to handle large doses of vinegar and essential oils.
The mechanisms in our trigger sprays have a coating that protects them from rusting and have been extensively tested for use with essential oils, minerals (borax, washing soda, bicarb, magnesium salts) and vinegar.
Vinegar and essential oils are the stars of the low-tox home. With ByMe amber glass spray bottles you can keep on using them!
Go to the ByMe store to view our amber glass spray bottles with a selection of designer waterproof static cling labels that will bring the beautiful to your sustainable home.